
07 March, 2010

wednesday's poems

i heart kay ryan.

The Well or the Cup
by Kay Ryan

How can
you tell
at the start
what you
can give away
and what
you must hold
to your heart
What is the well
and what is
a cup. Some
people get
drunk up.

05 March, 2010

words for thoughts

jeanette winterson is brilliant. she is a writer i discovered in college and i continue to slowly work my way through her writing. her writing is lovely and magical and brilliant. when i used to write a lot (perhaps you can you tell i'm trying to get back into the swing of things) she was an inspiration. i shouldn't say that in the past tense. here is a gem, which i could think about all day long.

"At the sub-atomic level, our seeming-solid material world dissolves into wave-like patterns of probabilities, and these patterns do not represent probabilities of things, but probabilities of connection."

-jeanette winterson, gut symmetries

04 March, 2010

henry and mathilda

meet henry delano roosevelt:

and mathilda louise mehremore:

whose lives are fascinating and the source of much envy. that is, they spend most of their time eating, sleeping, and being crabby with each other.

prior to her adoption, mathilda resided in the back seat of a beat-up vw beetle. henry has a more spotty past, jumping from foster home to foster home until finally coming to live with us (almost escaping the humane society in the process).

there they are. more to come.

03 March, 2010

wednesday's poems

by Kay Ryan

Stardust is
the hardest thing
to hold out for.
You must
make of yourself
a perfect plane--
something still
upon which
something settles--
something like
sugar grains on
something like
metal, but with
none of the chill.
It's hard to explain

02 March, 2010

everything is growing!

i have a bit of a love/hate thing with my yard. i love to watch things grow. i love the wilderness of it, when it's a mess. i love that its the opposite of the boring suburb where i grew up. i love that its just there, doing whatever it wants to do, in an non-orderly fashion.

...BUT... part of me kind of also hates the mess of it and wants a perfectly manicured lawn with perfect-sized bushes, perfect-sized trees, and matching colors that all bloom at exactly the right time. (now that i type this out i think this might actually be the way i am about a lot of things.)

in any event: i planted bulbs for the first time this past fall, and NOW! Ta da! everything is growing!

these are the soon-to-be tulips in my front yard. the colors are a mystery. we'll see! (disregard the clumpy grass and the wood chips scattered near and far by the neighbor's roaming chickens...)