
03 April, 2010

random assortment

do you remember pippi longstocking?

when i was a kid, my bff, A, and I made up a game called "pippi finders."  we would wander around the neighborhood and look for stuff...just random stuff that people lost, dropped, whatnot.  we usually ended up collecting a lot of garbage.  i distinctly remember fishing around near the telephone company wire box (i have no idea what it is called) and picking up all the different colored wires from the ground.  we tried really hard to figure out how to open the thing up and pull the wires out of their actual sockets (again, i have no idea of the proper vocabulary here).  luckily we were unsuccessful and ended up at the park trying to find pretty rocks.

years later, my roommate during law school, A,  (a different A) did the same thing when she went running!   so, we ended up with a random assortment of items: pictures, notes, earrings, crayons.  people lose all kinds of things.

we probably should've been more creative with the junk we found, i mean, look at found - they've built an empire!

i'm off to update my netflix queue.

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